Sunday, April 16, 2017

Yogi completes a month as CM

Uttar Pradesh chief minister Yogi Adityanath has completed almost a month in office.
Over the past four weeks, he has dexterously underlined ‘Peoples First’ as his foremost agenda though his various initiatives and optics.
Yogi was sworn in as the 21st CM of India’s most populous state in the presence of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and a galaxy of union ministers and peer CMs here on March 21.
Soon after taking charge, Yogi deftly started cultivating his image as an action oriented, austere and hard taskmaster CM through his frugal lifestyle, long working hours, impromptu inspections, public interactions, terse orders and above all not deciding to reshuffle the key posts in the bureaucracy and police departments to shrug off any suggestion of vindictiveness by opponents.
His unorthodox approach of governance by mixing with lower rung staffers, directly interacting with man on the street and unannounced visits of government offices, hospitals and police stations, has allowed the common man to identify with the leader.
He is further helped by his perceptible personal integrity, renouncement of family and uncompromising stance on corruption and law and order, which collectively create a rather positive perception about his style of governance.
The apprehensions of a section of people, including minorities, on his elevation to the top post, have largely remained in the realm of misgivings thus far.

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